High quality and functional office furniture is essential to those who have adopted the work from home lifestyle. There are more options than ever to promote your furniture products online. This allows you to connect with thousands of new home workers. These useful strategies are a fantastic starting point if you are looking for new digital channels to market your office furniture business.

Your website

Your homepage is your new shop window so make sure that you are wowing users as soon as they land. Aside from being as beautifully designed as your furniture, it should be intuitive and easy to use. The goal for many of your digital marketing strategies will be driving people here, so make sure your site is excellent at converting users into customers and that the whole process, from browsing through to payment, is as smooth as possible. 

Search engine optimisation (SEO)

You may have spent thousands on a beautiful website, but without applying solid SEO, new customers are going to struggle to find it on Google. Concentrate on improving your page speed, researching keywords, and identifying changes to make to your on-page SEO, such as adding tags and meta descriptions. If possible, partner with an agency or SEO specialist as this may save you time and get you better results.

Pay per click (PPC)

Implementing good SEO can take time. If you have the budget, investing in PPC is a good way to appear higher up in search results. By paying to appear when users search for terms like “office chair” or “office decor,” you are more likely to attract new, relevant customers to your website. PPC is generally quicker and easier to implement. You will also begin to see results much faster than with SEO alone. 

Content strategy

A good content strategy is essential to SEO and helps you to build trust with your audience. By asserting that you are knowledgeable about your products and can relate to your audience’s needs, they may feel more connection and loyalty to you over a competitor. A blog exploring your design process or interviewing advocates for your furniture could be a great addition to your website.

Create multimedia content

Variety is important so don’t limit yourself to written content. Most of the population are visual learners, so they digest video and images more easily than text alone. You have a physical product that is as much about design as it is about functionality. Since we are now less likely to shop in a store, customers need to see lots of visual examples of your products in the real world, so that they can then be able to picture them in their own office. For example, you can add a 360 image viewer on your website so people can see your products at different angles. If they want to see exactly what your ergonomic office chair or standing desk looks like, they can use the viewer to see every detail of your product.

User generated content

If you don’t have capacity for large scale content creation, user generated content strategies have become a huge asset to businesses. Getting your customers involved allows you to further connect with them. Adding incentives, such as prizes and discounts, can boost positive brand sentiment so that they continue to tell the world why they love your products. The photos generated with this method are usually more authentic and natural than anything you could have created in the studio. This will make it more likely to be trusted by your audience.

Social media

Without a clear and targeted social media strategy, you are missing out on a large untapped audience. Aside from generating huge brand awareness, these platforms allow you to build connections with your buyers. This will also create a strong community of furniture lovers.

Assess what platforms your target customers are using most. Why post beautiful photos on Instagram if your audience is on LinkedIn? There is plenty of up-to-date information online about social media preferences for different demographics. Likewise, styles of video, length of text and tone of voice will all perform differently depending on the platform. Most importantly, make sure the content you are posting is relevant.

Email marketing

Email marketing is an excellent way to maintain customer loyalty. Try not to overcrowd their inbox as they may start to view you as spammers. But a few well-timed emails, such as newsletters or current offers, may keep you at the front of their minds when they want to buy a new desk.


Good digital marketing will be essential to the future success of your office furniture business. A selection of the above strategies will provide you with an excellent foundation for growing your business.  This will also transform your relationship with your customers and generate more revenue.