WhatsApp is considered as one the best social media app used by billions of people. The application updates new features and makes sure the user enjoy the application with alot of new features. There are a lot of tips and tricks for using facebook which makes it very easy for user to use the application. On the off chance that you as often as possible personal reasons and are searching for ways to enhance your chatting experience, here are some helpful Whatsapp Latest tips and deceives that you can profit by. Throughout the years WhatsApp has advanced into a messaging app which does significantly more than simply messaging.
Although messaging despite everything remains at the core of WhatsApp, the app itself has become a multi-reason tool which allows clients to make video and audio calls, send and get payments, and even handle organizations’ customer relation communications among different things. What I like most about WhatsApp is that despite the fact that it packs so many features, on the surface, it despite everything remains one of the least complex and most accessible messaging apps.
Right now, will take care of that issue. On the off chance that you are someone who is hoping to get more out of his WhatsApp, here are the 15 best WhatsApp tips and deceives that can assist you with doing only that. Although all those stunts are as yet valid, a year is a significant long time in the world of tech and it was only apt that we returned to that topic to add the new features and tips that have appeared from that point forward.
Hide WhatsApp Group Photos And Videos from Gallery

The majority of us don’t have a lot of control over what content is pushed to our phones via WhatsApp groups, and this content appearing in your phone’s gallery can be a gigantic issue.
WhatsApp has now added the option to hide media from particular groups in the gallery. Simply open a WhatsApp group and tap on the group name to access the option (as appeared in the image). This technique won’t evacuate already existing WhatsApp images in your gallery (you should delete them) and will hide new approaching media only.
Use Finger Print To Lock Your WhatsApp
You can also use fingerprint lock to secure your WhatsApp. Along these lines, only individuals who have their fingers enlisted on their phones will have the option to access WhatsApp. To do as such, go to settings >> Accounts >> Privacy and look down to fingerprint lock.
Hide People From Viewing Your Story

Stories are a great way of communicating your disposition and can be very personal. In the event that you don’t want to share them with all WhatsApp contacts, you can deny particular contacts from viewing your status updates or stories as they presently stand.
Go to WhatsApp settings>> Account>> Privacy
Select Status>> ‘My contacts except’
Presently select explicit contacts you wish to avoid and tap the tick mark beneath.
You can also choose the “Only share with” option on the off chance that you wish to share status updates only with a small number of explicit contacts.
Read Messages Without Blue Ticks
On the off chance that you wish to read a WhatsApp message without the sender knowing, there are two or three ways you could do that. Simply go to Settings, click on Accounts,, and then privacy and choose uncheck reaad reciepts, however you will not have the option to check whether others have read your message either.
You could read the message from the notification panel. To read different or long messages simply tap and swipe down the notification in the notification panel to extend it. This is more fit as a temporary measure for ultimately you should dispose of the notification for good. Alternately, just turn on AirPlane mode, read the message and turn airplane mode off.
Delete Messages After Sending

This is one feature that WhatsApp added in late 2017. The App currently allows you to ‘unsend’ messages that you have already sent, yet there is a catch. The feature works for messages sent in the last an hour.
Also, the delete message feature will be rendered insufficient, even within the 7-minute time span, in the event that someone has already cited your message.
Read deleted messages on WhatsApp
There is a way to read messages that your companions have deleted from their end. Simply download a notification log app and grant access to read the notification. This app will keep a log of all approaching notifications and will also prove to be useful when you wish to recover a notification you have accidentally swiped off.
Auto answer WhatsApp Messages

In the event that you are using Whatsapp for professional use nd want to automatically answer the messages, there are many ways and apps you can use to achieve that. One app you can attempt is Auto Reply for WhatsApp. We have secured ways to accomplish the same in a separate article that you can allude too.
Schedule WhatsApp messages
For scheduling WhatsApp messages you can simply use the Scheduler app for WhatsApp. Using this apps you can allow whatsapp the permission to fill the necessary fields and schedule your message.
Delete images or videos from a particular WhatsApp group or contact
On the off chance that a particular WhatsApp group is hoarding storage space, you can simply delete all your files from it. Simply follow the procedure below.
Go to Settings>> ‘Data and Storage usage’
Select ‘Storage Usage’ and you will see all groups and contacts ranked according to the storage space they are hoarding.
Select the group and tap on the ‘manage messages’ option at the bottom.Presently, select and clear whatever data that you wish to dispose of.
Share Live Location

You can now share the live location with your contacts. The location is updated in real-time and you can keep a tab on exact whereabouts of explicit contacts. You can share location for 15 minutes, 1 Hour or 8 Hours straight.
To do as such, simply tap the attachment icon in the content information field. Presently select ‘location’ and then select ‘Share Live Location.
Limit data used by WhatsApp
To limit the data consumed by the app, this is what you have to do.
Go to settings>>Data and Storage usage
From here you can choose what all media (Photos, videos, records, audio) the app can download while eating your data.
Assign Different Priority and Sound to Different Notifications

By using WhatsApp Notification Channel feature, you can set different sorts of notifications on the same app. Along these lines, you can choose in the event that you need group messages to spring up or not. You can also assign them a priority level to decide how frequently they make it to the notification panel. To avail this feature, you will require Android Oreo support. In the event that you are running Android Oreo, simply go to the app data page (you can also do this by long-squeezing app notifications) and then select the manage notification option.
Pin conversation or make shortcuts
In the event that you wish to keep a particular contact or conversation on top. You can basically long-press the conversation and select the Pin icon in the options menu that appears on top. You can also press the triple dab menu and select create shortcut option to place the conservation shortcut on the main page.
Mark Late Answer Messages

In the event that you have read a message yet wish to answer it later, you can just long-press the conversation head in the ‘Chat’ tab and select ‘mark as unread’ option.
This won’t erase ‘Blue ticks’ or read receipts yet will mark the message with a bloated green speck that will fill in as an update. You can later answer the content at your own volition.
Hide a WhatsApp chat
Individuals whom you have as of late talked to appear nearer to the top in your WhatsApp chat list. On the off chance that you don’t want a particular conversation to be conspicuous, you can hide it as “Archive”.
Simply long-press the conversation and select the Archive button on the top. This particular chat will presently disappear from the rundown. You can access it by looking over all the way to the bottom.